Friday, March 31, 2006

Where Has this Month GONE?

I can't believe that the month if gone. It has been such a busy one. Today I have a Dr appointment. What a way to end the month. I am diabetic, and my sugars have not been too good. They haven't been terrible, just not good. So we will see how it goes.
My younger son wants to go to lunch with me today, so we will see how that goes. I also need to stop by work, I really should work the overtime today, but I can't seem to fit it in my day.
I appreciate everyone for stopping by. I hope your month ends as a happy one. Have a great day.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Today is Better

Today seems much better. I seem to be having a good day. Getting along with the husband, just having a great day. Sorry about yesterdays post. Lisa is doing great (I think). I hope everyone has a great week. I am looking forward to a better week myself. AThank you for stopping by.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Have you Ever had one of those Weeks?

Well I seem to be having one this week. I seem to have even upset my own sister. I didn't realize I did anything wrong. This has not been a good week. For the first time in a very long time I am feeling depressed and very stressed out. I don' tknow what to say, think, or feel. I feel some time like I can do no right. I hate that feeling. I am to the point today I want to run and hide. I wonder if any one understands that. In am a peace maker and I try not to ruffle anyone. But then it blows up in my face. It really has been a hard week, and it seems to just be getting worse and worse. I guess I thought yesterday would be the worst day of the week. But today has gotten even worse. I know this sounds like a pity party. For that I am sorry. I guess I needed to vent. I will try to be more positive on the next post. Thanks for listening.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

It's Sunday where has the Weekend gone?

Hope every one has had a good weekend. For me it has gone by to fast. It's back to work tomorrow. Three day weekend, makes me not want to go back to work tomorrow. I just have to tell you all just how wonderful Lisa is. She works so hard at home and with her kiddo's. Well better run for now. I should be at church, but I am working on chores. Plus we are expect 14 inchs of snow here this after noon. Ick. Ya all have a great week........

Friday, March 17, 2006


It's Friday. Thank goodness. I finely took the day off and did not work overtime. I did however have to go to the Dr, Not fun. But the rest of the day has been great. I went to lonch with my 20 year old son. We had a great time. We didn't even argue. He Loves to argue. But Not today. It was fantastic. I have taken time and visited other blogs, and Taken time for myself. It may be tough on the nex pay check, but it was sure nice to just relax. Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great day

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Where Have I been?

Sorry it has been a whole week since I blogged, but ya know how life goes. I have been working a lot again. But this next week should be a little better. I am actually taking a day off. Can you believe it? Lisa will be shocked. I do think she will be busier than I am this week. She is such a busy person. Little E keeps her that way. Along with the other kiddo's. Well I guess I better think what my next entry should be. Have a great day everyone.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Lisa Tagged me! Here it GOES!

Four Jobs You Have Had in Your Life:
1. Customer Servive Rep (R&R)
2. Customer Service Rep (Pacificare)
3. Administrative Assistant (Medical office)
4. Administrative Assistant (Arapahoe Community College)

Four Movies You Watch Over and Over
1. You've Got Mail
2. Pretty Woman
3. Air Force One
4. Dante’s Peak

Four Places You've Lived
1. Utah
2. Las Vegas, Nevada
3. Utah
4. Colorado

Four TV shows you love to watch
1. Seventh Heaven
2. American Idol
3. Antique Roadshow

Four Websites you visit daily
1. Blogging buddies
2. Google
3. Yahoo

Four of Your Favorite Foods

1. Chicken (Baked)

2. Italian

3. A really, really good salad.
4. Cheesecake.

Four Places You'd rather be right now
1. Utah
2. Scotland
3. Australia
4. LasVegas, NV

Four people to tag...

Hum...Lisa E, Chronicler, Paul L, & S'mee!