Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cold Weather

It is so dang cold here that the pipes in th kitchen froze. It sucks not being able to do the dishes in the dishwasher. I think I will have to break down and boil water to wash the dishes today. ICK. Oh well, I guess it could be worse, there could be no water at all. Sorry I haven't blogged much lately, but I have been working a lot, and it gets to cold down here, and my feet freeze. Even with socks and shoes. More later.........


Jewel said...

Hey, guess what the hot water is working. My husband got the hot water running again.

Lisa M. said...

Yea! Good for the hot water! My gracious! I am glad for ya!

It is cold here. *smile*

Glad to hear from ya!

Lisa M. said...

TAG... you are it.

Go to my site, cut and copy the list of 4 things, and put it on your blog! *Grin*

Isn't this fun?

*fluttering eyelashes*

Anonymous said...

Hi Jewel
Its been real cold here the last few days.I hate winter