Lisa Tagged me! Here it GOES!
Four Jobs You Have Had in Your Life:
1. Customer Servive Rep (R&R)
2. Customer Service Rep (Pacificare)
3. Administrative Assistant (Medical office)
4. Administrative Assistant (Arapahoe Community College)
Four Movies You Watch Over and Over
1. You've Got Mail
2. Pretty Woman
3. Air Force One
4. Dante’s Peak
Four Places You've Lived
1. Utah
2. Las Vegas, Nevada
3. Utah
4. Colorado
Four TV shows you love to watch
1. Seventh Heaven
2. American Idol
3. Antique Roadshow
Four Websites you visit daily
1. Blogging buddies
2. Google
3. Yahoo
Four of Your Favorite Foods
1. Chicken (Baked)
2. Italian
3. A really, really good salad.
4. Cheesecake.
Four Places You'd rather be right now
1. Utah
2. Scotland
3. Australia
4. LasVegas, NV
Four people to tag...
Hum...Lisa E, Chronicler, Paul L, & S'mee!
ooooh i love this stuff! o.k. check out my blog on Monday for all the gory details!
I love this too! Thanks for answering my tag! It's great!
Jobs- You have always worked in an office? I don't think I realized that about ya!
Movies- Dante's Peak. Uck. I mean it was alright the first time, but I coulnd't watch it more than once. Love, You've Got Mail, and I used to watch Pretty Woman, but now I am not so inlove with it. Don't let my kids watch it. Air Force One, was good.
Places you have lived: A few of the same! *smile*
TV- I love Seventh Heaven, but the lst few years have been not so good, yet I am sad to see it be almost over. Love American Idol, Roadshow, and HOuse. LOVE HOUSE.
Websites: *S* I hope mine is a blog you read a lot.
Foods- Baked chicken has to be done right. Little pickey about my chicken.
Places you would rather be: Me to, Me too!
Loved who you tagged!
Hi Jewel
I posted something on my blog today thats a lttle similar.Check it out.
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