Sunday, April 09, 2006

What should I talk about Today

I have no topic today. I am home with my husband. He hurk his Knee. I know all about knee problems. I have had a knee replacement. Ouch. We are not sure what he has done to it. AThe Dr's think he may have torn the muscle right above the knee. Ouch again. So I am here to help him. I so need to find some new topics. I really enjoy it when I get comments from you all. So leave me some *Ideas*. Have a great day.


Lisa M. said...

Sissy, sissy, sissy...

This weeks MeMe:
Tell 5 things you've done....that you have sworn you'd never do.

Tell 5 things you've done that you are proud of

Anonymous said...

Hi Jewel
Ouch that sounds painful.Hope he's doing better

K said...

I have never had knee surgery but I do have problems with my knees so I understand how horrible it is when they give you trouble and how painful it can be. He is blessed to have you there to help him out!

Lisa M. said...

I can see that you decided to NOT talk about anything.


Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd say Hi...

Hi Jewel.