Tuesday, May 02, 2006

1. The last thing you ate?

Golden Grahms

2. The last thing you really WANTED to eat but couldn't/didn't?

3. Reality Shows: Love or despise?
I don't like the word dispise, but I do think they are lame.

4. One thing you wish you could do right this moment?
Fly to Utah or Maybe the Land Down Under

5. Can you actually do that thing?
Nope, just on my way to work... *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Hi Jewel
You have a couple of good lists there.
Have a great week Buddy

Lisa M. said...

The land down under?

Humm.. do you like roo meat?

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I wouldn't mind Australia. and lasagna shound NEVER be skipped! Infact, you MUST eat it with lost of garlic bread! That's the way I do it!