Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy White New Year?????

Here we are again, or should I say still. We are all white with snow again. It isn't suppose to stop until Saturday or Sunday.

Has anyone told Mother Nature that Christmas is over? And that we don't need a White New Year?

I was supppose to go to work today, But it is a snow day. Wow an extended Vacation. That part I like. But then again I get cabin fever for being in so long. I have been on vacation all week and I haven't gotten out much because of the weather.

Thank you to Lisa for talking to me on the phone so much so I don't get board.

Have a Fantastic New Year, and Everyone be safe.


Lisa M. said...

WE need pictures of your SnowMan!

I would love some snow to play in, but we keep getting missed!

Oh for a long weekend. I like those too.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!! We've had NO snow here yet. I guess Colorado decided to take it all. I have a cousin in Denver and I have seen pictures. It really is something. I do love snowdays, as long as I am safely in my nice, warm home. Wouldn't be so fun if the power was out too! Enjoy New Years Eve tonight.

S'mee said...

I am sitting here, in the middle of the Mojave Desert, and I am freezing. I don't know what I would do if it were snowing. Yes we do get snow from time to time, a few years back we had a couple of inches for days! However, when it snows I am house bound. It locks me in! I can't bare the thought of snow! I am a whiner! I admit it! I like heat!

Mommy! Someone send me to the equator! I'll take Jewel with me!