Saturday, April 28, 2007

About My Nephew Ethan and My Sister Lis

I want to talk about my Little Nephew Ethan.

He is a very special boy, with a lot of challenges.

I wish for the best for him. He and his mom are going thru so much right now. He has CP, deaf/blind, and was just diagnosed with seizures. He is really struggling right now.

He is very handsome and has the cutest smile. His smile is infectious. Lately he has been very fussy. Nothing seems to console him. I wish there was something I could do to help.

Ethan may not be able to do a lot of things, but he has brought a lot of joy to us all.

I know I live kinda far from my family but I love them all.

Now a Little about my sister Lis.

My sister is a very special lady. She is doing all she can with Ethan and she also takes care of my older sisters kids. Lis has raised them from toddlers. They are now in college and graduating high school, and has a teenage daughter.

I can't believe how much she does and how much she is involved in. I hope she knows how special she is to be able to do everything she does.

I know we all have challenges, for example I have 2 boys that are ADHD, and Bi Polar. But what Lis goes thru so much more.

My hat goes off to her and I want her to know how much we all care and LOVE her for all she does.

I love you sis, Thank you for all you do, and for taking the time to talk to me as much as you do.

I know it is a little early, but.............



Lisa M. said...

Thank you -

I really appreciate your kind words.

Mel said...

What a great sis and aunt you are!

Anonymous said...

Lisa is a special lady and Ethan is lucky to have her. I think she is a wonderful mom. This was a very nice tribute to her.