Sunday, January 29, 2006

A friend does most or all of these..........

(A) ccepts you as you are
(B) elieves in "you"
(C) alls just to say ! "Hi"
(D) oesn't give up on you
(E) nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
(F) orgives your mistakes
(G) ives unconditionally
(H) elps you
(I) nvites you over
(J) ust "be" with you
(K) eeps you close at heart
(L) oves you for who you are
(M) akes a difference in your life
(N) ever Judges
(O) ffers support
(P) icks you up
(Q) uiets your fears
(R) aises your spirits
(S) ays nice things about you
(T) ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U) nderstands you
(V) alues you
(W) alks beside you
(X) -plains things you don't understand
(Y) ells when you won't listen
(Z) aps you back to reality


Lisa M. said...

My Most favorite of these A, B, C's of friendship is E,

Envisions the whole you, even the unfinished part. *big grin*

I think there is a lot to that. I love that feeling. I have a good friend, Melissa C,( http://melissasmusings who does that. She not only helps me to see who I am, she also sees me for what she thinks I can be. I love and appreciate that about her, so much.

You too, sister dear have been a good friend to me. Never do you hold up my transgressions in front of me, you simply over look them and keep loving me, no matter what. I really appreciate that.

I think you are a strong person. I think your brave and bright. I hope when you look in the mirror, you know just how fantastic you are.

All my love,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jewel
I really like that list>it is so true
Msn has messed up the blogs so I'm putting ithe new addy here for you
later my friend

K said...

Nice list. I agree with it. You did a good job and I appreciate your insights

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I like it! Very clever! It is so good to meet you! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog! This is so fun isn't it? I feel like I have a whole new world of friends when I am on the computer. It has been so good for me. You will love it too!