Friday, September 01, 2006

Monday MEME on Friday

Well Lisa thinks I need a new post. So here goes.

1. How often do you blog? I check my blogs everyday, but I don't post something very often. I never know what to talk about.
2. Online Alias: Crypticlady.
3. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew? Yes, especially when they are children.
4. What do you do most often when you are bored? Watch TV or read blogs.
5. When bathing, which do you wash first? my face
6. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? no, longest is probably 24-hrs
7. What color looks best on you? I like Purple, but most people like me in blue or red.
8. What’s your favorite drink? Coke Cola
9. Do you believe in heaven and hell as a real place that each of us will go to after death? I believe heaven and hell is something we create right here and now, and I believe that they are places we will go when we die.
10. Do you find that you have more online friends than offline friends? Sometimes. I find I keep up more with my online friends than my offline friends.
11. What was your favorite subject in school? I don't remember
12. Are you a perfectionist? Yes.
13. Do you spend more than you can afford? Yes, I try to stay within my means as often as I can though.
14. Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have love before? YES
15. Do you consider yourself creative? Sometimes, and depending on what I'm doing.
16. Do you give yourself the credit you deserve? NO.
17. Do you donate time or money to charities? When I can afford to.
18. Have you recently done something that you’ve criticized others for doing? I try not to criticize, but yes, I have been known to put my foot in my mouth a few times.
19. What’s on your mind? My Job and my son
20. Say one nice thing about the person who tagged you and the five people that you are going to tag. Lisa is a very talented and beautiful person and a very special sister.
I want to tag S'mee, Lisa, Val, Island Queen, and Mel


Lisa M. said...

I love these MeMe's.

They are fun.

What do you watch on TV?

and you don't remember what your favorite subject in school was?

Um I do!

it was DRIVING.



Love ya sissy!

Robyn said...

Nice meme Jewel! I'd love to know what tv you watch. What entertains you? Driving!?! Okay, let us in on the secret. ;-)

Lisa M. said...


I would tell you, but she would KILL me.

You know how pesky sisters are who are shy about there um *clearing throat* umm Misshaps.


But there was a corner...

and there were two well, four wheels really, but not so sure they were ummm all on the ummm...



Mel said...

Jewel, it's nice to be missed. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hey nobody's ever tagged me before... I'll give it a try.

Lisa M. said...

oHHHHH I could tell you...


Jewel said...

Don't You dare sister DEAR

Island Queen said...

Nice MeMe's! :-) Hey - and we wash our face's first ... good for us

Now EVERYONE is curious about the 'driving' incident. hahahaha